Kern Alexander (Univ. of Cambridge - Business) &
Mads Andenas (Univ. of Oslo - Norwegian Centre for Human Rights) have published
The World Trade Organization and Trade in Services (Martinus Nijhoff Publishers 2008). Contents include:
- Kern Alexander & Mads Andenas, Introduction
- Rafael Leal-Arcas, The GATS in the Doha Round: A European Perspective
- Deepali Fernandes, Twins, Siblings or Friends: The Conceptual Case of Goods and Services, Where Do We Stand and Where Could We Be Headed to?
- Mads Andenas & Stefan Zleptnig, Proportionality and Balancing in WTO Law: A Comparative Perspective
- Federico Ortino, The Principle of Non-Discrimination and its Exceptions in GATS: Selected Legal Issues
- Jan Wouters & Dominic Coppens, GATS and Domestic Regulation: Balancing the Right to Regulate and Trade Liberalization
- Mina Mashayekhi & Elisabeth Tuerk, GATS Negotiations on Domestic Regulation: A Developing Country Perspective
- Marco Bronckers & Pierre Larouche, A Review of the WTO Regime for Telecommunications Services
- Stefan Zleptnig, The GATS and Internet-Based Services: Between Market Access and Domestic Regulation
- Christine Kaufmann & Rolf H. Weber, Reconciling Liberalized Trade in Financial Services and Domestic Regulation
- Brendan McGivern, Dispute Settlement Under the GATS: The Gambling and Telecoms Cases
- Lode van den Hende, GATS Article XVI and National Regulatory Sovereignty: What Lessons to Draw from US-Gambling?
- Klint W. Alexander, Rethinking Retaliation in the WTO Dispute Settlement System: Leveling the Playing Field for Developing Countries in Asymmetic Disputes
- Abd El-Rehim Mohamed Al-Kashif, GATS’s Non-Violation Complaint: its Elements and Scope Comparing to GATT 1996
- Kern Alexander, The GATS and Financial Services: Liberalisation and Regulation in Global Financial Markets
- Wei Wang, The Prudential Carve-out
- John Cooke, Alternative Approaches to Financial Services Liberalisation: The Role of Regional Trade Agreements
- Apostolos Gkoutzinis, How Far is Basel from Geneva? International Regulatory Convergence and the Elimination of Barriers to International Financial Integration
- Wei Wang, The GATS and the Legal Framework of the Chinese Banking Sector
- Alastair Evans, International Trade in Financial Services and the GATS
- David F. Snyder, Insurance Services and Recent Trade Negotiations
- Model Schedule of WTO Commitments for Investment Banking, Trading, and Asset Management: Explanatory Memorandum
- Michael Moosberger, The GATS and Higher Education: Challenging the Nation State’s Notion of the University
- Rolf H. Weber, Cultural Diversity and International Trade - Taking Stock and Looking Ahead
- Toshiyuki Kono, The UNESCO Convention for the Protection and Promotion of the Diversity of Cultural Expressions