New Volume: Yearbook of International Environmental Law

The latest volume of the
Yearbook of International Environmental Law (Vol. 17, 2006) is out.
Contents include:
- Ole Kristian Fauchald, International Investment Law and Environmental Protection
- Marcos A. Orellana, The Role of Science in Investment Arbitrations Concerning Public Health and the Environment
- Benjamin J. Richardson, Financing Sustainability: The New Transnational Governance of Socially Responsible Investment
- Lorenzo Cotula, Stabilization Clauses and the Evolution of Environmental Standards in Foreign Investment Contracts
- Kyla Tienhaara, Unilateral Commitments to Investment Protection: Does the Promise of Stability Restrict Environmental Policy Development?
- David M. Ong, The Contribution of State-Multinational Corporation 'Transnational' Investment Agreements to International Environmental Law
- Yuhong Zhao, Foreign Direct Investment and Environmental Protection: A Review of the Legal Regime in China