Howard M. Hensel (Air War College) has published
The Legitimate Use of Military Force: The Just War Tradition and the Customary Law of Armed Conflict (Ashgate 2008). Contents include:
- Howard M. Hensel, Introduction
- Howard M. Hensel, Theocentric natural law and just war doctrine
- Howard M. Hensel, Anthropocentric natural law and its implications for international relations and armed conflict
- Howard M. Hensel, The rejection of natural law and its implications for international relations and armed conflict
- Gregory A. Raymond & Charles W. Kegley Jr, Preemption and preventive war
- Jean-Marie Henckaerts, The development of international humanitarian law and the continued relevance of custom
- Mika Nishimura Hayashi, The Martens clause and military necessity
- Jean-François Quéguiner, The principle of distinction: beyond an obligation of customary international humanitarian law
- A.P.V. Rogers, The principle of proportionality
- Avril McDonald, Hors de combat: post-September 11 challenges to the rules
- Charles Garraway, Occupation responsibilities and constraints
- Howard M. Hensel, Conclusion