Gideon Boas (Monash Univ. - Law),
James L. Bischoff (International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia), &
Natalie L. Reid (Debevoise & Plimpton LLP) have published
International Criminal Law Practitioner Library, Volume 1, Forms of Responsibility in International Criminal Law (Cambridge Univ. Press 2008). Here's the abstract:
Volume I of the International Criminal Law Practitioner Library series focuses on the law of individual criminal responsibility applied in international criminal law, providing a thorough review of the forms of criminal responsibility. The authors present a critical analysis of the elements of individual criminal responsibility as set out in the statutory instruments of the international and hybrid criminal courts and tribunals and their jurisprudence. All elements are discussed, demystifying and untangling some of the confusion in the jurisprudence and literature on the forms of responsibility. The jurisprudence of the ICTY and the ICTR is the main focus of the book. Every trial and appeal judgement, as well as relevant interlocutory jurisprudence, up to 1 December 2006, has been surveyed, as has the relevant jurisprudence of other tribunals and the provisions in the legal instruments of the ICC, making this a highly relevant and timely work.