The latest issue of the
Nordic Journal of International Law (Vol. 92, no. 3, 2023) is out. Contents include:
- Special Issue: Nordic Perspectives on the International Legal Regulation of Cyberspace
Marc Schack & Astrid Kjeldgaard-Pedersen, Introduction to Special Issue on Nordic Perspectives on the International Legal Regulation of Cyberspace
Marie Thøgersen, Virtual Groups and the Triggering of Armed Conflicts
Marc Schack & Katrine Lund-Hansen, Attacking Data: Moving beyond the Interpretative Quagmire of the ‘Data as an Object’ Debate
Pia Hüsch, Non-Intervention Thresholds in Cyberspace – In the Shadow of the Sovereignty Debate?
Peter B.M.J. Pijpers, Careful What You Wish For:
Tackling Legal Uncertainty in Cyberspace
Henning Lahmann, The Plea of Necessity in Cyber Emergencies:
Unresolved Doctrinal Questions
Jeppe Mejer Kjelgaard & Ulf Melgaard, Denmark’s Position Paper on the Application of International Law in Cyberspace
Marja Lehto, Finland’s views on International Law and Cyberspace
Vibeke Musæus, Norway’s Position Paper on International Law and Cyberspace
Ola Engdahl, Sweden’s Position Paper on the Application of International Law in Cyberspace