The latest issue of the
Human Rights Quarterly (Vol. 45, no. 4, November 2023) is out. Contents include:
- Hans Ingvar Roth, P.C. Chang and Charles Malik: The Two Philosophers of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights
Eva Brems, UN Human Rights Treaty Bodies Talking to Domestic Adjudicators Through Their Quasi-judicial Work: An Examination of CERD and CEDAW
Jean Connolly Carmalt, Human Rights, Remedy, and Everyday Geographies of Injustice: Perspectives from a Participatory Action Research Project
Cosette D. Creamer & Zuzanna Godzimirska, Trust, Legal Elites, and the European Court of Human Rights
Gauthier de Beco, The Revival of Human Rights: A New Perspective on Human Rights Through the Lens of Disability
Mia Jeronimus, Suffering and Survival: The Experience of Dutch Women in Japanese Internment Camps in Java, 1941–45