- Article
- Juan J Garcia Blesa, Proportionality rhetoric and neoliberal rationality in the ‘fundamental social rights’ adjudication of the Court of Justice of the European Union
- Symposium: The multiple materialisms of international law
- Dimitri Van Den Meerssche, The multiple materialisms of international law
- Renske Vos, The land in sight: waiting for a Libyan government
- Negar Mansouri, Money, magic, and machines: International Telecommunication Union and liberalisation of telecommunications networks and services (1970s–1990s)
- Matheus Gobbato Leichtweis, ‘Transforming our world’? A historical materialist critique of the sustainable development agenda
- André Dao, Resisting the inevitable: human rights and the data society
- Daniel Ricardo Quiroga-Villamarín, Staging grounds: dialectics of the spectacular and the infrastructural in international conference-hosting
Tuesday, October 31, 2023
New Issue: London Review of International Law
The latest issue of the London Review of International Law (Vol. 11, no. 2, July 2023) is out. Contents include: