The latest issue of the
Journal of International Peacekeeping (Vol. 26, nos. 2-3, 2023) is out. Contents include:
- Special Issue: Re-imagining ASEAN and the Quest for Peace: Challenges and Prospects for Peacebuilding, Conflict Prevention, and Atrocities Prevention
Noel M. Morada & Mely Caballero-Anthony, Re-imagining ASEAN and the Quest for Peace: Challenges and Prospects for Peacebuilding, Conflict Prevention, and Atrocities Prevention
Desi Hanara, Safeguarding Freedom of Religion or Belief to Prevent Conflicts and Mass Atrocities in Southeast Asia: the Role of Parliamentarians
Ma. Lourdes Veneracion, The ‘ASEAN Way’ of Women, Peace and Security: Norm Rhetoric or Implementation?
Chanintira na Thalang, Resolving the Conflict in Thailand’s Southern Border Provinces: Contentions between Upholding State Authority and Human Rights within the ASEAN Context
Rosalie Arcala Hall, The Civil Society-Military Interface in the Protection of Civilians: the Bangsamoro Case
Moe Thuzar, Myanmar and the Responsibility to Protect: Principles, Precedents, and Practicalities
Noel M. Morada, Responding to Atrocities in Myanmar after the February 2021 Coup: Options for ASEAN beyond Normative and Structural Constraints
Mely Caballero-Anthony, Conflict Management and Atrocity Prevention in Southeast Asia: Making ASEAN “Fit for Purpose”