The latest issue of the
International Journal of Human Rights (Vol. 27, nos. 9-10, 2023) is out. Contents include:
- Children’s human rights under COVID-19: learning from children’s rights impact assessments
- K. Reid, E.K.M. Tisdall & F. Morrison, Children’s rights impact assessments in times of crisis: learning from COVID-19
Kasey McCall-Smith, Good better best? Human rights impact assessment in crisis lawmaking
Paige, Omima, Brodie, Katie Reid, Christina McMellon & Mary Ann Powell, My corona: listening to children in corona times
Fiona Morrison & Claire Houghton, Children’s human rights in the contexts of domestic abuse and COVID-19
Theresa Casey & John H. McKendrick, Playing through crisis: lessons from COVID-19 on play as a fundamental right of the child
Laura Colucci-Gray, Reviewing the impact of COVID-19 on children’s rights to, in and through education
A. MacLachlan, C. McMellon & J. Inchley, Public mental health during the COVID-19 pandemic: impacts on children's rights
Fiona Dyer, Claire Lightowler & Nina Vaswani, Exacerbating, illuminating and hiding rights issues: COVID-19 and children in conflict with the law
Zoe Picton-Howell, The unintended consequences of school closures during COVID-19 on children and young people’s physical health rights -what are they and how can they be mitigated?
Fiona Mitchell, Enhancing the use of Children's Rights Impact Assessments in ordinary and extraordinary times to understand the rights of children subject to statutory intervention in family life
E. K. M. Tisdall & F. Morrison, Children’s human rights under COVID-19: learning from children’s rights impact assessments