Monday, May 14, 2018

ILR: Eleventh Anniversary

This week marks the International Law Reporter's eleventh anniversary. I'm very pleased that the blog has been embraced by so many people and has become such an important means for the dissemination of information concerning scholarship, events, and ideas related to international law. If you would like to join the more than 7000 people who now follow ILR daily through various electronic services, you can sign up for the rss feed, become a twitter follower, or subscribe to the daily email updates. Please continue to contact me with announcements of events, conference and workshop programs, calls for papers/submissions, job openings, and current and forthcoming publications (in all languages).

The International Law Reporter is a free service but that doesn't mean there aren't costs associated with its production. Those able and so inclined can donate to support the blog by clicking on the "Donate" button to the right. Your contributions are greatly appreciated. Thanks.