The Appeals Chamber of the Special Tribunal for Lebanon has issued a controversial decision in the New TV S.A.L./Al Khayat case in October 2014, holding that it may prosecute cooperations for contempt of court under its rules of procedure and evidence. This is the first decision of an international criminal tribunal to accept corporate criminal responsibility before an international tribunal. Meisenberg critically examines the reasoning of this decision and assesses whether the decision will have an impact on any future discussion of corporate liability in international criminal law.
Monday, October 24, 2016
Meisenberg: Auf dem Wege zu einem Unternehmensvölkerstrafrecht?
Simon M. Meisenberg has published Auf dem Wege zu einem Unternehmensvölkerstrafrecht?: Eine kritische Würdigung der "New TV S.A.L."-Entscheidung des Sondergerichtshofs für den Libanon (Lit-Verlag 2016). Here's the abstract: