The latest issue of the
International Criminal Law Review (Vol. 15, no. 2, 2015) is out. Contents include:
Alette Smeulers, Female Perpetrators: Ordinary or Extra-ordinary Women?
Helen McDermott, The Structure of International Cooperation in the Transfer of Suspects. Extradite or Abduct?
Benjamin Perrin, Victim Participation at the International Criminal Court: Examining the First Decade of Investigative and Pre-Trial Proceedings
A. Pemberton, R.M. Letschert, A.-M. de Brouwer & R.H. Haveman, Coherence in International Criminal Justice: A Victimological Perspective
Rumyana Grozdanova, The United Kingdom and Diplomatic Assurances: A Minimalist Approach towards the Anti-Torture Norm
Melanie Klinkner, Is all Fair in Love and War Crimes Trials? Regulation 55 and the Katanga Case