The latest issue of
Global Society (Vol. 29, no. 1, 2015) is out. Contents include:
Evgeny F. Troitskiy, Central Asian Regional Security Complex: The Impact of Russian and US Policies
Alexandre Bohas, Transnational Firms and the Knowledge Structure: The Case of the Walt Disney Company
Laurence Cooley & Jasmin Mujanović, Changing the Rules of the Game: Comparing FIFA/UEFA and EU Attempts to Promote Reform of Power-Sharing Institutions in Bosnia-Herzegovina
- Special Section: Corporeal Capitalism—Body Matters in International Political Economy
Nicola Smith & Donna Lee, Corporeal Capitalism: The Body in International Political Economy
Hanna-Kaisa Hoppania & Tiina Vaittinen, A Household Full of Bodies: Neoliberalism, Care and “the Political”
Paul McFadden, The Production of Politics in Front-Line Service Work: “Body Work” in the Labour Process of the Call Centre Worker
Adrienne Roberts, Gender, Financial Deepening and the Production of Embodied Finance: Towards a Critical Feminist Analysis
Stephen R. Bates, The Emergent Body: Marxism, Critical Realism and the Corporeal in Contemporary Capitalist Society