The latest issue of the
New York University Journal of International Law and Politics (Vol. 46, no. 3, Spring 2014) is out. Contents include:
- Symposium: The Function of Judges and Arbitrators in International Law
- Eyal Benvenisti & George W. Downs, Democratizing Courts: How National and International Courts Promote Democracy in an Era of Global Governance
- Andreas Follesdal, To Guide and Guard International Judges
- André Nollkaemper, Concerted Adjudication in Cases of Shared Responsibility
- Geir Ulfstein, International Courts and Judges: Independence, Interaction, and Legitimacy
- Robert Howse & Ruti Teitel, Cross-Judging Revisited
- D. Brian King & Rahim Moloo, International Arbitrators as Lawmakers
- Alec Stone Sweet & Giacinto della Cananea, Proportionality, General Principles of Law, and Investor-State Arbitration: A Response to José Alvarez