The latest issue of the
International Journal of Human Rights (Vol. 18, nos. 4-5, 2014) is out. Contents include:
- Azadeh Chalabi, The nature and scope of states' obligation to adopt a national human rights action plan
Douglas Hamilton Spence, Foreign aid and human rights treaty ratification: moving beyond the rewards thesis
Masoud Rajabi-Ardeshiri, Childhood and modernity: a social constructionist reflection onto the dilemma of ‘child execution’ within the Islamic context
Alana Tiemessen, The International Criminal Court and the politics of prosecutions
Jennifer Dabbs Sciubba, Explaining campaign timing and support for a UN Convention on the Rights of Older People
Tristan G. Creek, Starving for freedom: an exploration of Australian government policies, human rights obligations and righting the wrong for those seeking asylum
Mariya Ali, Child sexual abuse: can the doctrines of al-maqasid al-shariah and maslahah assist in challenging the honour ideology?
Valentina Azarov, An international legal demarche for human rights? Perils and prospects of the Palestinian UN bid
James Rochlin, A golden opportunity lost: Canada's human rights impact assessment and the free trade agreement with Colombia
Simin Fadaee, Civil society organisations in India and construction of multiplicity of human rights