The latest issue of the
Journal of Conflict & Security Law (Vol. 19, no. 2, Summer 2014) is out. Contents include:
- Pierre-Emmanuel Dupont,
Compliance with Treaties in the Context of Nuclear Non-proliferation: Assessing Claims in the Case of Iran
Anders Henriksen,
Jus ad bellum and American Targeted Use of Force to Fight Terrorism Around the World
Monika Hlavkova,
Reconstructing the Civilian/Combatant Divide: A Fresh Look at Targeting in Non-international Armed Conflict
Anton O. Petrov,
Non-State Actors and Law of Armed Conflict Revisited: Enforcing International Law through Domestic Engagement
Francis Grimal,
Missile Defence Shields: Automated and Anticipatory Self-Defence?
Susan Power,
The 2003–2004 Occupation of Iraq: Between Social Transformation and Transformative Belligerent Occupation