The latest issue of the
Journal of World Trade (Vol. 48, no. 4, August 2014) is out. Contents include:
Juan A. Marchetti & Martin Roy, The TISA Initiative: An Overview of Market Access Issues
Rajesh Sharma, China-India FTA: Is the Future Imperfect?
Jingdong Liu, Accession Protocols: Legal Status in the WTO Legal System
Woraboon Luanratana & Alessandro Romano, Stare Decisis in the WTO: Myth, Dream, or a Siren’s Song?
Bernard Hoekman, Jesper Jensen, & David Tarr, A Vision for Ukraine in the World Economy
Song Guan, WTO Retaliation Rules in Subsidy-Related Cases: What Can We Learn from the US-Upland Cotton Arbitration?
Siqi Li, Haiyan He, The Concurrent Trade Defence Investigations 1982–2013: The Changing Pattern and Characteristics