The latest issue of
Global Trade and Customs Journal (Vol. 9, nos. 7-8, 2014) is out. Contents include:
Yves Melin, Protective Orders in Trade Defence Investigations
Darrel H. Pearson & Jessica B. Horwitz, ‘Administrative Protective Orders: Protection of Confidential Information in Canadian Trade Remedy Proceedings’
Adrián Vázquez, Protection of Confidential Information in the Mexican Trade Remedy System
Luis Felipe Aguilar Rico, Patricia Arratíbel Siles, & Juan Antonio Dorantes Sánchez, Administrative Protective Orders in Trade Remedy Cases in Mexico
Patrick J. Togni, A Primer on U.S. APO Practice and Procedure in Antidumping and Countervailing Duty Proceedings
Wolfgang Mueller, Administrative Protective Order System: Should the Exception Be Made the Rule?
Folkert Graafsma, APO and Known Unknowns
Renato Antonini, Access to (Confidential) Data in EU Trade Defence Proceedings
Davide Rovetta & Maurizio Gambardella, Access to EU Antidumping/Subsidy Confidential Files: The EU Law ‘Zwartveld Sincere Cooperation Doctrine’, Surprise What You Are Looking for Already Exists
Shintaro Hamanaka, WTO Agreement on Trade Facilitation: Assessing the Level of Ambition and Likely Impacts
Paul C. Rosenthal & Jeffrey S. Beckington, The People’s Republic of China: A Market Economy or A Non-market Economy in Anti-dumping Proceedings Starting on December 12, 2016?
Christian Pitschas, The New EU Tobacco Products Directive in the Light of TRIPS: Trademarks and the Protection of Public Health
C. Nalin Kumar & Sarbani Mukherjee, Imperatives of Trade Facilitation in the Indian Coffee Sector: A Transaction Cost Perspective