The latest issue of the
International Journal of Transitional Justice (Vol. 7, no. 1, March 2013) is out. Contents include:
- Special Issue: Transitional Justice and the Everyday
- Juliane Okot Bitek
A Chronology of Compassion, or Towards an Imperfect Future
Victor Igreja,
Multiple Temporalities in Indigenous Justice and Healing Practices in Mozambique
Ari Edward Gandsman,
Retributive Justice, Public Intimacies and the Micropolitics of the Restitution of Kidnapped Children of the Disappeared in Argentina
Kris Brown,
‘What It Was Like to Live through a Day’: Transitional Justice and the Memory of the Everyday in a Divided Society
Estela Schindel,
‘Now the Neighbors Lose Their Fear’: Restoring the Social Network around Former Sites of Terror in Argentina
Caterina Di Pasquale,
Massacre, Trial and ‘Choral Memory’ in Sant’Anna di Stazzema, Italy (1944–2005)
Marita Eastmond & Johanna Mannergren Selimovic,
Silence as Possibility in Postwar Everyday Life
Juan Diego Prieto,
Together after War While the War Goes On: Victims, Ex-Combatants and Communities in Three Colombian Cities
Gabriel Ruiz Romero,
Voices Around Us: Memory and Community Empowerment in Reconstruction Efforts in Colombia