Hans-Joachim Koch (Universität Hamburg - Law),
Doris König (Bucerius Law School),
Joachim Sanden (Leuphana Universität Lüneburg), &
Roda Verheyen have published
Climate Change and Environmental Hazards Related to Shipping: An International Legal Framework (Martinus Nijhoff Publishers 2013). The table of contents is
here. Here's the abstract:
In Climate Change and Environmental Hazards Related to Shipping Hans-Joachim Koch, Doris König, Joachim Sanden and Roda Verheyen provide an edited overview on the recent discussions regarding legal questions of tackling climate change, and the legal instruments related to environmental problems caused by international shipping. An esteemed international group of authors make important contributions to the legal challenges in international, European and domestic law. Focal points are multilateral environmental agreements and the law of the sea as well as the potential contributions by municipalities.