The latest issue of
Global Governance: A Review of Multilateralism and International Institutions (Vol. 19, no. 1, January-March 2013) is out. Contents include:
- Global Insights
- Christer Jönsson, The John Holmes Memorial Lecture: International Organizations at the Moving Public-Private Borderline
- Nadine Ansorg, Felix Haass, & Julia Strasheim, Institutions for Sustainable Peace: From Research Gaps to New Frontiers
- Special Focus: Regime Complexity
- Amandine Orsini, Jean-Frédéric Morin, and Oran Young, Regime Complexes: A Buzz, A Boom, or a Boost for Global Governance?
- Jean-Frédéric Morin & Amandine Orsini, Regime Complexity and Policy Coherency: Introducing a Co-adjustments Model
- Matias E. Margulis, The Regime Complex for Food Security: Implications for the Global Hunger Challenge
- Alexander Betts, Regime Complexity and International Organizations: UNHCR as a Challenged Institution
- Dries Lesage & Thijs Van de Graaf, Thriving in Complexity? The OECD System’s Role in Energy and Taxation
- Michael J. Struett, Mark T. Nance, & Diane Armstrong, Navigating the Maritime Piracy Regime Complex
- Fariborz Zelli, Aarti Gupta, & Harro van Asselt, Institutional Interactions at the Crossroads of Trade and Environment: The Dominance of Liberal Environmentalism?
- Thomas Gehring & Benjamin Faude, The Dynamics of Regime Complexes: Microfoundations and Systemic Effects
- Book Review
- Matthew T. Klick, Adekeye Adebajo’s UN Peacekeeping in Africa: Lessons Learned or Conundrums Unearthed?