Jeffrey L. Dunoff (Temple Univ. - Law) &
Mark A. Pollack (Temple Univ. - Political Science) have published
Interdisciplinary Perspectives on International Law and International Relations: The State of the Art (Cambridge Univ. Press 2013). The table of contents is
here. Here's the abstract:
Interdisciplinary Perspectives on International Law and International Relations: The State of the Art brings together the most influential contemporary writers in the fields of international law and international relations to take stock of what we know about the making, interpretation and enforcement of international law. The contributions to this volume critically explore what recent interdisciplinary work reveals about the design and workings of international institutions, the various roles played by international and domestic courts, and the factors that enhance compliance with international law. The volume also explores how interdisciplinary work has advanced theoretical understandings of the causes and consequences of the increased legalization of international affairs.