The latest issue of the
Journal of World Investment & Trade (Vol. 12, no. 4, August 2011) is out. Contents include:
- Petros C. Mavroidis, Right Back Where We Started From (or Are We?)
- Wenhua Shan & Sheng Zhang, FDI in China and the Role of Law: An Empirical Approach
- Ichiro Iwasaki, Péter Csizmadia, Miklós Illéssy, Csaba Makó, & Miklós Szanyi, Foreign Direct Investment, Information Spillover, and Export Decision: Evidence from Hungarian Firm-Level Data
- Sharmin Jahan Tania & Shawkat Alam, Liberalisation of Sewerage and Waste Management Services and the GATS: Implications and Challenges for Developing Countries
- Anil Kumar Kanungo, Internationalization of Indian Firms: Overseas Investment A Key Strategy
- Razeen Sappideen & Ling Ling He Dispute Settlement under Free Trade Agreements: The Proposed Australia-China Free Trade Agreement
- Peyman Ghaffari, Jurisdictional Requirements under Article 25 of the ICSID Convention: Literature Review