The latest issue of the
International Review of the Red Cross (Vol. 93, no. 881, March 2011) is out. The theme is "Conflict in Afghanistan II." Contents include:
- Conflict in Afghanistan: The Law
- Robin Geiß & Michael Siegrist, Has the armed conflict in Afghanistan affected the rules on the conduct of hostilities?
- Annyssa Bellal, Gilles Giacca & Stuart Casey-Maslen, International law and armed non-state actors in Afghanistan
- Muhammad Munir, The Layha for the Mujahideen: an analysis of the code of conduct for the Taliban fighters under Islamic law
- The Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan. The Layha [Code of Conduct] For Mujahids
- Sadia Tabassum, Combatants, not bandits: the status of rebels in Islamic law
- Conflict in Afghanistan: Humanitarian Action
- Antonio Donini, Between a rock and a hard place: integration or independence of humanitarian action?
- 30 years in Afghanistan. ICRC photo archives account by Alberto Cairo
- Fiona Terry, The International Committee of the Red Cross in Afghanistan: reasserting the neutrality of humanitarian action
- Selected Articles on International Humanitarian Law
- Jelena Pejic, The protective scope of Common Article 3: more than meets the eye