The latest issue of the
Journal of World Investment & Trade (Vol. 12, no. 3, June 2011) is out. Contents include:
- J. Martin Hunter & Javier G. Olmedo, "Enforcement/Execution" of ICSID Awards against Reluctant States
- Charles-Emmanuel Côté, Looking for Legitimate Claims: Scope of NAFTA Chapter 11 and Limitation of Responsibility of Host States
- Shintaro Hamanaka, Japan's Foreign Direct Investment in Services in ASEAN: The Implications of Services and Investment Agreements
- Bi Ying, The Interaction of Trade and Competition Policy in the Globalization Process: A Survey of "Consumer Interest" in Chinese Antidumping Context
- Youngjin Jung & Sangwook Daniel Han, What to do with the Dilemma facing the State of Necessity Defense under the Investment Treaties and How to Interpret the NPM Clause?
- The 15th Geneva Global Arbitration Forum: Ahead of the Curve
- Another way to settle disputes - can the success story of Dispute Boards be extended beyond construction to other fields? Contributions by: Pierre Genton, Paul Gelinas, Christopher Koch, Wolfgang Peter
- Preventing a backlash against investment arbitration: could the WTO be the solution? Contributions by: Petros C. Mavroidis, Charles C. Adams, Christoph Schreuer, Guiguo Wang