The latest issue of the
International Review of the Red Cross (Vol. 92, no. 880, December 2010) is out. The theme is "Conflict in Afghanistan I." Contents include:
- Conflict in Afghanistan: Socio-political and Humanitarian Environment
- William Maley, Afghanistan: an historical and geographical appraisal
- Ken Guest, Dynamic interplay between religion and armed conflict in Afghanistan
- Imtiaz Gul, Transnational Islamic networks
- Norah Niland, Impunity and insurgency: a deadly combination in Afghanistan
- Jennifer Smith, Natalie Rea & Shabir Ahmad Kamawal, The right to counsel as a safeguard of justice in Afghanistan: the contribution of the International Legal Foundation
- Lucy Morgan Edwards, State-building in Afghanistan: a case showing the limits?
- Taiba Rahim, The future of Afghanistan: an Afghan responsibility