The latest issue of the
International & Comparative Law Quarterly (Vol. 60, no. 3, July 2011) is out. Contents include:
- Bruno Simma, Foreign Investment Arbitration: A Place for Human Rights?
- Gerard McCormack, American Private Law Write Large? The UNCITRAL Secured Transactions Guide
- Sebastian Peyer, Cartel Members Only—Revisiting Private Antitrust Policy in Europe
- Sirko Harder, Statutes of Limitation Between Classification and Renvoi—Australian and South African Approaches Compared
- Alberto Alvarez-Jiménez, Methods for the Identification of Customary International Law in the International Court of Justice's Jurisprudence: 2000–2009
- Stephanie Switzer & Joseph A McMahon, EU Biofuels Policy—Raising the Question of WTO Compatibility
- Simon Marsden, Invoking Direct Application and Effect of International Treaties by the European Court of Justice: Implications for International Environmental Law in the European Union