The latest issue of the
International Organizations Law Review (Vol. 7, no. 1, 2010) is out. Contents include:
- Richard Collins & Nigel D. White, Moving Beyond the Autonomy-Accountability Dichotomy: Reflections on Institutional Independence in the International Legal Order
- Symposium: Responsibility of International Organizations and of (Member) States: Attributed or Direct Responsibility or Both?
- Pieter Jan Kuijper, Introduction
- Niels Blokker, Abuse of the Members: Questions concerning Draft Article 16 of the Draft Articles on Responsibility of International Organizations
- Esa Paasivirta, Responsibility of a Member state of an International Organization: Where Will It End? Comments on Article 60 of the ILC Draft on the Responsibility of International Organizations
- August Reinisch, Aid or Assistance and Direction and Control between States and International Organizations in the Commission of Internationally Wrongful Acts
- Eric De Brabandere, Immunity of International Organizations in Post-conflict International Administrations
- Cedric Ryngaert, The Immunity of International Organizations Before Domestic Courts: Recent Rrends
- Edith Drieskens, Beyond Chapter VIII: Limits and Opportunities for Regional Representation at the UN Security Council
- Cristián Gimenez Corte, The Forms of International Institutional Law: An Historical Analysis of the scheduling Decisions of Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Taken by the United Nations' Commission on Narcotics Drugs