The latest issue of
Arbitration International (Vol. 26, no. 4, 2010) is out. Contents include:
- Veijo Heiskane, And/Or: The Problem of Qualification in International Arbitration
- S.I. Strong, From Class to Collective: The De-Americanization of Class Arbitration
- Wei Shen, Leaning Towards a More Liberal Stance? – An Evaluation of Substantive Protection Provisions under the New ASEAN–China Investment Agreement in Light of Chinese BIT Jurisprudence
- Jeff Waincymer, Reconciling Conflicting Rights in International Arbitration: The Right to Choice of Counsel and the Right to an Independent and Impartial Tribunal
- Sam Luttrell, Australia Adopts the ‘Real Danger’ Test for Arbitrator Bias
- Jean Ho, The Meaning of ‘Investment’ in ICSID Arbitrations