The latest issue of the
Human Rights Quarterly (Vol. 32, no. 4, November 2010) is out. Contents include:
- Charles G. Ngwena, Inscribing Abortion as a Human Right: Significance of the Protocol on the Rights of Women in Africa
- Jeroen Temperman, State Neutrality in Public School Education: An Analysis of the Interplay Between the Neutrality Principle, the Right to Adequate Education, Children's Right to Freedom of Religion or Belief, Parental Liberties, and the Position of Teachers
- Rhoda E. Howard-Hassmann, Mugabe's Zimbabwe, 2000-2009: Massive Human Rights Violations and the Failure to Protect
- Adam Rosenblatt, International Forensic Investigations and the Human Rights of the Dead
- Mauro Barelli, The Interplay Between Global and Regional Human Rights Systems in the Construction of the Indigenous Rights Regime
- Tricia D. Olsen, Leigh A. Payne, & Andrew G. Reiter, The Justice Balance: When Transitional Justice Improves Human Rights and Democracy
- Jeffrey H. Toney, Hank Kaplowitz, Rongsun Pu, Feng Qi, & George Chang, Science and Human Rights: A Bridge Towards Benefiting Humanity