James P. Muldoon, Jr.,
JoAnn Fagot Aviel,
Richard Reitano, &
Earl Sullivan have published
The New Dynamics of Multilateralism: Diplomacy, International Organizations, and Global Governance (Westview Press 2010). The table of contents is
here. Here's the abstract:
This timely new book focuses on the various dynamics of contemporary multilateralism as it relates to global issues, global governance, and global institutions. Invited authorities, including academics, business people, and members of international groups, contribute original essays on how multilateralism as an institution has been affected by globalization, the rise of civil society and global business, emerging economic and political conditions, and new threats to peace and security in the world. Emphasizing practical applications over theoretical foundations, The New Dynamics of Multilateralism helps students understand how the practice of multilateral diplomacy has been influenced by the changes in the processes and procedures of international organizations and the role of multilateralism in the transformation of the international system of governance and the transition to an emerging new global order.