The latest volume of the
Italian Yearbook of International Law (Vol. 16, 2006) is out. Contents include:
- Natalino Ronzitti, The 2006 Conflict in Lebanon and International Law
- Carsten Hoppe, Who Was Calling Whose Shots? - Hezbollah and Lebanon in the 2006 Armed Conflict with Israel
- Carlo Focarelli, Customary Foundations of Jus Gentium in Francisco Suárez’s Thought and the Concept of International Community in Contemporary International Law
- Veit Koester, The Nature of the Convention on Biological Diversity and Its Application of Components of the Concept of Sustainable Development
- Cesare Pitea, The Non-Compliance Procedure of the Aarhus Convention: Between Environmental and Human Rights Control Mechanisms
- Silvia D’Ascoli & Kathrin Maria Scherr, The Rule of Prior Exhaustion of Local Remedies in the Context of Human Rights Protection
- Annamaria Viterbo, Monetary Regionalism: A Challenge to the IMF
- Sergio Bartole, The Right to Linguistic Identity and the Census in the Province of Bolzano: A Reply to Hilpold
- Beatrice I. Bonafè, State Immunity and the Protection of Private Investors: The Argentine Bonds Case before Italian Courts
- Paola Puoti, Yugoslavia Dissolution before the ICJ: The Need for a New Approach to State Succession