The Security Council today completed the processes of choosing Carla Del Ponte's successor as ICTY Prosecutor by adopting a resolution appointing Serge Brammertz to that position for a four-year term effective January 1, 2008. Secretary-General Ban nominated Brammertz on November 12 (S/2007/678) despite the strong preference of some ICTY staff and NGOs for the appointment of Deputy Prosecutor David Tolbert. Interestingly, quickly following the Security Council's action, Del Ponte and ICTY President Fausto Pocar issued a joint statement "warmly welcom[ing]" Brammertz's appointment.
UPDATE: The text of the resolution (1786) is now available. It notes that Brammertz's four-year term is "subject to an earlier termination by the Security Council upon completion of the work of the International Tribunal." The Council's completion strategy (resolution 1503 (2003)) envisions an end to the Tribunal's work during the year 2010.