Janne E. Nijman (Univ. of Amsterdam - Law) &
André Nollkaemper (Univ. of Amsterdam - Law) have published
New Perspectives on the Divide Between National and International Law (Oxford Univ. Press 2007). Contents include:
- G. Arangio-Ruiz, International Law and Inter-individual Law
- G. Gaja, Dualism - A Review
- P. Allott, The Emerging Universal Legal System
- C. Brölmann, Deterritorialization in International Law: Moving Away from the Divide Between National and International Law
- A-M. Slaughter & B. Burke-White, The Future of International Law is Domestic (or, The European Way of Law)
- C. Chinkin, Monism and Dualism: the Impact of Private Authority on the Dichotomy Between National and International Law
- M. Moran, Shifting Boundaries: The Authority of International Law
- C. Walter, International Law in a Process of Constitutionalization
- A. Paulus, The Emergence of the International Community and the Divide Between International and Domestic Law
- A. Peters, The Globalization of State Constitutions
- L. du Plessis, International Law and the Evolution of (Domestic) Human-Rights Law In Post-1994 South Africa
- J. Nijman & A. Nollkaemper, Beyond the Divide