The 3rd Biennial Conference of the European Society of International Law will take place in Heidelberg, in association with the Max Planck Institute for Comparative Public Law and International Law. Its main topic will be: International Law in a Heterogeneous World. The conference begins on the afternoon of Thursday 4th September 2008 and ends on the evening of Saturday 6th September 2008.
The present Call for Papers concerns two different types of events. Firstly, 8 panels that directly address different aspects of the main topic of the conference. These panels, called Fora, will each consist of a Chair and four papers, selected on the basis of this Call for Papers. Secondly, 8 panels that do not directly address the topic of the conference but should stimulate the exchange of views on specific thematic areas of international law. These panels, called Agorae, will consist of a Chair and four panelists, also selected through this Call for Papers. In other words, the main difference between Fora and Agorae is the nature of the addressed topic.
The working languages of the conference will be English and French (no translation will be provided for either fora or agorae). To this end, and in order to enable discussion in the Fora and Agorae, participants are expected to have a good knowledge of both languages or, as a minimum, passive knowledge of the second language.
As indicated above, the purpose of the 8 Fora of the conference is to invite contributions on different specific aspects of the main topic of the conference. Submissions should therefore approach the topic of each Forum through the lens of the overall topic of the conference. The topics of the Fora are as follows:
Forum 1: International Law and Religions
Forum 2: Immigration/Migration: How states cope with increasing pluralism within their societies - the role of international law
Forum 3: The Multiplicity of Law-Making Processes/International Law-Making facing Heterogeneity
Forum 4: International Law and the Media/Interaction between international law and the media in a heterogeneous world
Forum 5: Heterogeneity reflected in International Legal Traditions
Forum 6: The Role of the WTO in balancing Heterogeneity of Interests in the shaping of International Law
Forum 7: International Law and the Millennium Development goals
Forum 8: Refocusing the Rules on Warfare
Agorae, unlike Fora, are panels addressing wider themes of public international law which are not necessarily related to the main topic of the conference. Participants are particularly encouraged to present work in progress whether it be a book, an article, or other research project. Nevertheless, it is important that presentations are in line with the specific workshop theme. ‘Work in progress’ refers to previously unpublished work which, however, needs to be in an advanced stage of completion.
The following topics have been chosen for the Agorae:
Agora 1: History
Agora 2: International Organizations, Institutions and Administration
Agora 3: Legitimacy of International Law
Agora 4: Social Justice
Agora 5: Sexuality and Gender
Agora 6: International Crime
Agora 7: Science
Agora 8: Environmental Law
The Application Process
The papers to be presented in the Fora and Agorae will be selected through a competitive process involving the submission of abstracts. ESIL invites all international law scholars to participate in the Call for Papers, without prejudice to seniority, gender, language, or geographical location. Individuals may submit abstracts which should not exceed 600 words. An individual may submit one abstract only. Each submission should include and indicate the following: the author’s name, institutional affiliation, contact information and email address, the intended Forum or Agora topic (both name and number), the applicant’s CV, including a list of publications, the abstract, the context in which the research is being conducted (book, thesis, article for publication, etc.), and the intended language.
Applications should be sent to Deadline for submission of proposals is Monday 21st January 2008.
The selection process results will be notified to all applicants by mid-March 2008. A provisional presentation paper must then be submitted by 1st July 2008 so that the chairs, panelists and organizing committee are adequately informed. If selected, and in order to participate in the Conference, speakers will require to become ESIL members. Every selected participant will be entitled to: free registration at the Conference and free participation in all of the Conference and meals and receptions. Accommodation costs will be covered by the organizers. Transportation costs remain the responsibility of the participant.
For clarifications or queries, please contact Mr. Falilou Saw -