The latest issue of the
Journal of World Trade (Vol. 56, no. 6, 2022) is out. Contents include:
Pierre Sauvé, Special and Differential Treatment as If It Could Be Reformed
Joel Soon, Jurisdictional Conflict Between the World Trade Organization and Regional Trade Agreements: Res Judicata Revisited
Gregory P. Corning, ASEAN and the Regime Complex for Digital Trade in the Asia-Pacific
Chunlei Zhao, Implementing and Enhancing Labour Standards Through FTAs? A Critical Analysis of the Panel Report in the EU-Korea Case
Giulia Claudia Leonelli, Export Rebates and the EU Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism: WTO Law and Environmental Objections
Hyun Ji Chun & Dukgeun Ahn, Evolution and Limitations of the Lesser Duty Rule Under the WTO Anti-dumping Agreement
Chenxi Wang, Special Economic Zones: The Subnational- National-International Nexus in China’s Integration With the International Economic Order