The latest issue of
Global Trade and Customs Journal (Vol. 17, nos. 11/12, 2022) is out. Contents include:
- Ton Zuijdwijk, TRIPS and COVID-19 Vaccines: The New WTO TRIPS COVID-19 Waiver
Jun Kazeki & Yuko Miwata, Challenges and Opportunities for Antidumping and Countervailing Duty Measures in Japan and the World
Atia Hussain, Zain Satardien, & Walaa Wahid Elkelish, The Rapid Changing Tax Environment in the United Arab Emirates: The Position of Customs in This Evolution
William A. Kerr & Sidi Zhang, Is It Time to Revisit Agricultural Tariffs When Enhanced Human Health Is at Stake?
Anhad S. Miglani, A Contemporary Contextualization of Security Under Article XXI of the GATT
Joseph A. McMahon, Discipling Export Prohibitions and Restrictions to Promote Food Security
Linus Nyiwul & Badar Alam Iqbal, Evidence on Divestment Motives: An Overview
Alessandro Fruscione, Import VAT Is Not Part of the Customs Debt