The latest issue of the
International Journal of Human Rights (Vol. 26, no. 9, 2022) is out. Contents include:
Natalia Niedmann Alvarez, From the rule of law to a rule of rights:
Political theory – public law – enlightenment – rule of law – public sphere
Radu Mares, Regulating transnational corporations at the United Nations – the negotiations of a treaty on business and human rights
Myriam Denov, Pok Panhavichetr, Sopheap Suong & Meaghan Shevell, ‘We vowed by force, not by our heart’: men’s and women’s perspectives on forced marriage during the Cambodian genocide
Antonio-Martín Porras-Gómez, Constitutional bills of rights and democratic transformation in post-authoritarian scenarios
Jon Wittrock, A human right to friendship? Dignity, autonomy, and social deprivation
Wei Gao, The ECHR in action: its applicability and relevance for arbitration
Heli Askola, Discrimination against dual nationals in the name of national security: a Finnish case study
Frans Viljoen & Victor Ayeni, A comparison of state compliance with reparation orders by regional and sub-regional human rights tribunals in Africa: case studies of Nigeria, The Gambia, Tanzania, Uganda and Zimbabwe
Neville Harris & Sheila Riddell, Ensuring rights matter: England’s and Scotland’s frameworks for implementing the rights of children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities