The latest issue of the
Journal of International Criminal Justice (Vol. 20, no. 3, July 2022) is out. Contents include:
- Articles
Wissam Aldien Aloklah, International Efforts Against Impunity for the Use of Chemical Weapons in Syria: Is There Hope for International Justice?
Ignacio de la Rasilla, The Paths Not Taken? Episodic Crises and International Adjudication of the Crime of Piracy
Christine Carpenter, Reconsidering Transitional Justice: Revolutions and Regime Change in 20th-century China
- Symposium: The Ntaganda Case and Individual Criminal Liability at the ICC
- Elies van Sliedregt & Bettina Weißer, Foreword
Marjolein Cupido, The Control Theory as Multidimensional Concept: Reflections on the Ntaganda Appeal Judgment
Hernán Darío Orozco López & Natalia Silva Santaularia, Reflections on Indirect (Co-)Perpetration through an Organization
Philipp Osten, Indirect Co-Perpetration and the Control Theory: A Japanese Perspective
Mikkel Jarle Christensen & Nabil M Orina, The International Criminal Court as a Law Laboratory: Professional Battles of Control and the ‘Control of the Crime’ Theory
Johannes Block, Ordering as an Alternative to Indirect Co-Perpetration: Observations on the Ntaganda Case
- Readers' Comments
Jacques B Mbokani, Achieving Justice for Child Survivors of Conflict-related Sexual Violence in the Democratic Republic of the Congo in Light of the Kavumu Case: A Reply to Perissi and Naimer