The latest issue of the
Nordic Journal of Human Rights (Vol. 40, no. 1, 2022) is out. Contents include:
- 40th Anniversary Celebratory Special Issue: The Future of Human Rights
Gentian Zyberi, Johan Karlsson Schaffer, Carola Lingaas & Eduardo Sánchez Madrigal,
Special Issue: The Future of Human Rights
Kirtika Kattel, Are Human Rights Enough? Exploring Ways to Reimagining Human Rights Law
Solomon Ayele Dersso, The Future of Human Rights and the African Human Rights System
Allison Corkery, Gilad Isaacs & Carilee Osborne, Pushing Boundaries: Building a Community of Practice at the Intersection of Human Rights and Economics
Ramona Biholar, Reparations for Chattel Slavery: A Call From the ‘Periphery’ to Decolonise International (Human Rights) Law
Bede Sheppard, It's Time to Expand the Right to Education
Miriam Cullen & Jane Munro, Preventing Disasters and Displacement: How Economic, Social, and Cultural Rights Can Advance Local Resilience
Annika Bergman Rosamond & Daria Davitti, Gender, Climate Breakdown and Resistance: The Future of Human Rights in the Shadow of Authoritarianism
Helen Keller & Corina Heri, The Future is Now: Climate Cases Before the ECtHR
Lotta Viikari, Rural Local Communities as Holders of Human Rights: From Aboriginal Subsistence Whaling to Small-Scale Local Community Whaling?
José-Miguel Bello y Villarino & Ramona Vijeyarasa, International Human Rights, Artificial Intelligence, and the Challenge for the Pondering State: Time to Regulate?
Sue Anne Teo, How Artificial Intelligence Systems Challenge the Conceptual Foundations of the Human Rights Legal Framework
Zuzanna Godzimirska, Aysel Küçüksu & Salome Ravn, From the Vantage Point of Vulnerability Theory: Algorithmic Decision-Making and Access to the European Court of Human Rights
Martin Lolle Christensen & William Hamilton Byrne, Two Paths in the Future Relationship of the European Court of Human Rights and the African Court of Human and Peoples’ Rights