The latest issue of
Global Society (Vol. 36, no. 4, 2022) is out. Contents include:
- Edward Newman, Covid-19: A Human Security Analysis
Mike Zapp, International Organisations and the Proliferation of Scientised Global Reporting, 1947–2019
Alex Nadège Ouedraogo & Klaus Schlichte, Food policy and state formation in Senegal and Uganda
Gary Lowery, Constructing Continuity: The Discursive Construction of the Great Crash of 2008–2009 as a Non-crisis of Neoliberalism
Carolijn van Noort, The Aesthetic Power of Ships in International Political Communication: Why Ships Matter in China’s Communication of the Maritime Silk Road Initiative
Tim L. Elcombe, Sport in Times of Turmoil: Political Uses of Sport in Global Crises
Olusola Ogunnubi & Oladotun E. Awosusi, Nigeria’s ‘Border Diplomacy’: Rhetoric or Substance for Regional Hegemonic Leadership?