The latest issue of the
Human Rights Law Review (Vol. 22, no. 3, September 2022) is out. Contents include:
- Fae Garland, Kay Lalor, & Mitchell Travis, Intersex Activism, Medical Power/Knowledge and the Scalar Limitations of the United Nations
Hsien-Li Tan, Adaptive Protection of Human Rights: Stealth Institutionalisation of Scrutiny Functions in ASEAN’s Limited Regime
Aishani Gupta, Taking Dignity Seriously to Protect Manual Scavengers in India: Lessons from the UN Human Rights Committee
Tim Opgenhaffen, The Universal Right to Legal Capacity—Clearing the Haze
Veronika Fikfak & Lora Izvorova, Language and Persuasion: Human Dignity at the European Court of Human Rights
Sean Molloy, Advancing Children’s Rights in Peace Processes: The Role of the Committee on the Rights of the Child
Nils-Hendrik Grohmann, Tracing the Development of the Proportionality Analysis in Relation to Forced Evictions under the ICESCR