The latest issue of the
Journal of International Economic Law (Vol. 25, no. 3, September 2022) is out. Contents include:
- Margherita Melillo, Standards of Scientific Evidence in Preferential Trade Agreements
- Ben Czapnik, ‘Moral’ Determinations in WTO Law: Lessons from the Seals Dispute
Yury Rovnov, DSU Article 11 Violations: A Statistical Exercise
Karina Patrício Ferreira Lima, Sovereign Solvency as Monetary Power
Irene Musselli & Elisabeth Bürgi Bonanomi, Countering Commodity Trade Mispricing in Low-Income Countries: A Prescriptive Approach
Yueming Yan, A New Chapter in China’s Stance on Labour Protection? An Assessment of the China–EU CAI
Amit Zac, Competition Law and Economic Inequality: A Comparative Analysis of the US Model of Law