The latest issue of the
European Journal of International Law (Vol. 28, no. 4, November 2017) is out. Contents include:
- Editorial
- JHHW, Je Suis Achbita!; The Trump Jerusalem Declaration and the Rule of Unintended Consequences; 10 Good Reads; A propos Book Reviewing; EJIL Roll of Honour; In This Issue
- Articles
- Catherine O’Rourke, Feminist Strategy in International Law: Understanding Its Legal, Normative and Political Dimensions
Anthony Reeves, Liability to International Prosecution: The Nature of Universal Jurisdiction
- Focus: Responsibility
- Luke Glanville, The Responsibility to Protect beyond Borders in the Law of Nature and Nations
Sandesh Sivakumaran, Extrapolation, Analogy, and Form: the Emergence of an International Law of Disaster Relief
Jan Klabbers, Reflections on Role Responsibility: The Responsibility of International Organisations for Failing to Act
- New Voices: A Selection from the Fifth Annual
Junior Faculty Forum for International Law
Neha Jain, Radical Dissents in International Criminal Trials
Lawrence Hill-Cawthorne, Rights under International Humanitarian Law
Cheah W.L., The Curious Case of Singapore’s BIA Desertion Trials: War Crimes, Projects of Empire, and the Rule of Law
- Afterword: Laurence Boisson de Chazournes and Her Critics
Yuval Shany, Plurality as a Form of (Mis)management of International Dispute Settlement: Afterword to Laurence Boisson de Chazournes’ Foreword
Thomas Streinz, Winners and Losers of the Plurality of International Courts and Tribunals: Afterword to Laurence Boisson de Chazournes’ Foreword
Veronika Bilkova, The Threads (or Threats?) of a Managerial Approach: Afterword to Laurence Boisson de Chazournes’ Foreword
Sergio Puig, Experimentalism, Destabilization, and Control in International Law: Afterword to Laurence Boisson de Chazournes’ Foreword
Laurence Boisson de Chazournes, Plurality in the Fabric of International Courts and Tribunals: The Threads of a Managerial Approach – Fears and Anxieties: A Rejoinder
- Roaming Charges
- Moments of Dignity: Ash Wednesday,
Bogotà Colombia
- Experimental International Law - EJIL: Debate!
- Yahli Shereshevsky & Tom Noah, Does Exposure to Preparatory Work Affect Treaty Interpretation? An Experimental Study on International Law Students and Experts
Jeffrey L. Dunoff & Mark A. Pollack, Experimenting with International Law: A Reader’s Guide
- Critical Review of International Governance
- Rebecca Schmidt, Protecting the Environment through Sports? Public-Private
Cooperation for Regulatory Resources and International Law
- Impressions
- Onuma Yasuaki, Reading the Book that Makes One a Scholar
- Review Essay
- Julia Dehm, Authorizing Appropriation?: Law in Contested Forested Spaces
- Literature Review
- Christina Binder & Jane A. Hofbauer, Teaching International
Human Rights Law: A Textbook Review
- Book Reviews
- Jacob Katz Cogan, reviewing
Guy Fiti Sinclair, To Reform the World: International Organizations and the
Making of Modern States
- Michael A. Becker, reviewing Christian Henderson (ed.), Commissions of Inquiry: Problems and
- Hannah Birkenkötter, reviewing
Valentin Jeutner, Irresolvable Norm Conflicts in International Law:
The Concept of a Legal Dilemma
The Last Page
Gregory Shaffer, Kathmandu