The latest issue of the
Asian Journal of International Law (Vol. 8, no. 1, January 2018) is out. Contents include:
- Symposium on the South China Sea Arbitration
M.C.W. Pinto, Arbitration of the Philippine Claim Against China
Xinmin Ma, Merits Award Relating to Historic Rights in the South China Sea Arbitration: An Appraisal
Seokwoo Lee & Leonardo Bernard, South China Sea Arbitration and its Application to Dokdo
Hao Duy Phan & Lan Ngoc Nguyen, The South China Sea Arbitration: Bindingness, Finality, and Compliance with UNCLOS Dispute Settlement Decisions
Douglas Guilfoyle, The South China Sea Award: How Should We Read the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea?
Diane A. Desierto, Enforcement Options and Paths to Compliance: Disputants and Global Stakeholders in Philippines v. China
Tara Davenport, Island-Building in the South China Sea: Legality and Limits
- Articles
Lan Ngoc Nguyen, The UNCLOS Dispute Settlement System: What Role Can It Play in Resolving Maritime Disputes in Asia?
Gabrielle Simm, Disaster Response in Southeast Asia: The ASEAN Agreement on Disaster Response and Emergency Management
Rebecca Barber, Legal Preparedness for the Facilitation of International Humanitarian Assistance in the Aftermath of Vanuatu’s Cyclone Pam
Felicity Gerry, Thomas Harré, Nathalina Naibaho, Julia Muraszkiewicz, & Neil Boister, Is the Law an Ass When It Comes to Mules? How Indonesia Can Lead a New Global Approach to Treating Drug Traffickers as Human Trafficked Victims
Jaya Anil Kumar, The Impact of Human Trafficking in ASEAN: Singapore as a Case-Study
Anupam Jha, The Law on Trafficking in Persons: The Quest for an Effective Model
Ranyta Yusran, The ASEAN Convention Against Trafficking in Persons: A Preliminary Assessment