The latest issue of
The Law and Practice of International Courts and Tribunals (Vol. 16, no. 1, 2017) is out. Contents include:
- Jurisdiction and Admissibility in Investment Arbitration
- Filippo Fontanelli & Attila Tanzi,
Jurisdiction and Admissibility in Investment Arbitration. A View from the Bridge at the Practice
August Reinisch,
Jurisdiction and Admissibility in International Investment Law
Nicolas Jansen Calamita & Elsa Sardinha,
The Bifurcation of Jurisdictional and Admissibility Objections in Investor-State Arbitration
Eirik Bjorge,
EU Law Constraints on Intra-EU Investment Arbitration?
Mary E. Footer,
Umbrella Clauses and Widely-Formulated Arbitration Clauses: Discerning the Limits of ICSID Jurisdiction
Giulio Alvaro Cortesi,
ICSID Jurisdiction with Regard to State-Owned Enterprises – Moving Toward an Approach Based on General International Law
Andrea Gattini,
Jurisdiction ratione temporis in International Investment Arbitration
Tarcisio Gazzini & Robert Kolb, Provisional Measures in ICSID Arbitration from “Wonderland’s Jurisprudence” to Informal Modification of Treaties