The latest issue of
International Environmental Agreements: Politics, Law and Economics (Vol. 17, no. 4, August 2017) is out. Contents include:
- Charles F. Parker & Christer Karlsson, The European Union as a global climate leader: confronting aspiration with evidence
- Joanes Odiwuor Atela, Claire Hellen Quinn, Albert A. Arhin, Lalisa Duguma & Kennedy Liti Mbeva, Exploring the agency of Africa in climate change negotiations: the case of REDD+
- Kate Dooley & Aarti Gupta, Governing by expertise: the contested politics of (accounting for) land-based mitigation in a new climate agreement
- Yoshiki Yamagata, Jue Yang & Joseph Galaskiewicz, State power and diffusion processes in the ratification of global environmental treaties, 1981–2008
- Dan-Bi Um & Jung-Sup Um, Informed consent utilizing satellite imagery in forestry carbon trading with North Korea
- Tobias Schulz, Marc Hufty & Maurice Tschopp,
Small and smart: the role of Switzerland in the Cartagena and Nagoya protocols negotiations
- Mark Axelrod, Blocking change: facing the drag of status quo fisheries institutions
- Mairon G. Bastos Lima, Gabrielle Kissinger, Ingrid J. Visseren-Hamakers, Josefina Braña-Varela & Aarti Gupta, The Sustainable Development Goals and REDD+: assessing institutional interactions and the pursuit of synergies