The latest issue of the
Amsterdam Law Forum (Vol. 9, no. 2, Spring 2017) is out. Contents include:
- Scientific Articles
- Daniele Fabris, Crimes Committed On The High Seas, Piracy And Criminal Jurisdiction: Current Issues Of International Law Of The Sea Awaiting The 'Enrica Lexie' Decision
- Joanna Diane Caytas, Sanctions, Real And Imaginary: Experiences With Russia In The Ukraine Crisis
- JanWillem Sap,
The Role of Human Rights in Setting the Boundaries Of Sovereignty and the Autonomy of the EU Legal Order
- Sangeetha Yogendran,
Did The ICC Fail Child Victims In The Lubanga Reparations Order?
- Ana Martin,
Intersectionality: A Tool for the Gender Analysis of Sexual Violence at the ICC
Michael Addaney & Azubike Onuora-Oguno, Education as a Contrivance to Ending Child Marriage in Africa: Perspectives from Nigeria and Uganda
- Opinion Articles
- Shadi Sakran, The Creation of the Non-Member Observer State of Palestine: A Legal Analysis of UN General Assembly Resolution 67/19
- Nicola Perugini & Neve Gordon,
Human Rights and Domination
- Anja Eleveld, Performing Human Rights in the Context of the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict
- Commentaries
- Helena de Sousa-Falcao Montull,
A Commentary On the Book Discussion 'The Human Right to Dominate'
- Adina Nistor,
The 'Extracurricular International Law' - A Seminar With Mark Drumbl