Friday, July 14, 2017

Call for Submissions: Investor State Dispute Settlement (MJIEL)

The Manchester Journal of International Economic Law has issued a call for submissions for a special issue on "Investor State Dispute Settlement." Here's the call:

The MJIEL invites contributions for a special issue to be published in September 2018 on the theme 'ISDS in the era of instability'. Instability is used to describe wholesale regulatory changes brought about by the Trump administration in the USA and Brexit in the UK. The issue will focus on whether rights established by bilateral and multilateral investment treaties, threatened by recent policy shifts, can be defended in arbitral tribunals.

Abstract submissions of up to 300 words to Dr. Ioannis Glinavos ( by 01.01.18. Acceptance will be notified by 01.02.18. Full papers in house style due 01.06.18.