The latest issue of the
Zeitschrift für ausländisches öffentliches Recht und Völkerrecht (Vol. 77, no. 1, 2017) is out. Contents include:
- Self-Defence Against Non-State Actors: Impulses from the Max Planck Trialogues on the Law of Peace and War
- A. Peters & C. Marxsen, Editors’ Introduction: Self-Defence in Times
of Transition
O. Corten, Has Practice Led to an “Agreement Between the
Parties” Regarding the Interpretation of Article 51 of the UN Charter?
T. Christakis, Challenging the “Unwilling or Unable” Test
I. Österdahl, Scarcely Reconcilable with the UN Charter
S. Kawagishi, Clearing Uncertainties of the Jurisprudence of the
ICJ on Self-Defence Against Non-State Actors
P. Urs, Effective Territorial Control by Non-State Armed Groups
and the Right of Self-Defence
L. Lo Giacco, Reconsidering the Legal Basis for Military Actions
Against Non-State Actors
B. Sjöstedt, Applying the Unable/Unwilling State Doctrine – Can a
State Be Unable to Take Action?
M. Hartwig, Which State’s Territory May Be Used for Self-Defence
Against Non-State Actors?
- J.A. Frowein, Article 51 and the Realities of the Present Day World
K. Oellers-Frahm, Article 51 – What Matters Is the Armed Attack,
not the Attacker
I. Couzigou, The Right to Self-Defence Against Non-State Actors –
Criteria of the “Unwilling or Unable” Test
G. Keinan, Humanising the Right of Self-Defence
C.J. Tams, Embracing the Uncertainty of Old: Armed Attacks by
Non-State Actors Prior to 9/11
- L. van den Herik, “Proceduralising” Article 51
A. Tancredi, Doctrinal Alternatives to Self-Defence Against
Non-State Actors
- M. Wood, Self-Defence Against Non-State Actors –
A Practitioner’s View
L. Grover, Intertemporality and Self-Defence Against
Non-State Actors
C.-P. Sassenrath, Diverging Interpretations of Individual State
Practice on Self-Defence Against Non-State Actors – Considerations
for a Methodological Approach
P. Starski, A Call for a Turn to the Meta-Level of International Law:
Silence, the “Interregnum”, and the Conundrum of Ius Cogens
C. Marxsen, A Note on Indeterminacy of the Law on Self-Defence
Against Non-State Actors
- Abhandlungen
- B. Kempen & B. Schiffbauer, Die vorläufige Anwendung völkerrechtlicher Verträge im internationalen Mehrebenensystem
F. Capone, From the Justice and Peace Law to the Revised Peace Agreement Between the Colombian Government and the FARC: Will Victims’ Rights Be Satisfied at Last?
B. Gogarty & P. Lawrence, The ICJ Whaling Case: Missed Opportunity to Advance the Rule of Law in Resolving Science-Related Disputes in Global Commons?
S. Dellavalle, Law as a Linguistic Instrument Without Truth Content? On the Epistemology of Koskenniemi’s Understanding of Law
A. Vincze, Europäisierung des nationalen Verwaltungsrechts – eine rechtsvergleichende Annäherung